I downloaded JDK 9.. ehi guys we're talking about 350 MB installer ... ok not a problem, a 1 GB bandwidth doesn't suffer for few MBs.
The installation is the typical oracle raw package, jdk and jre (I want to analyze the server JRE option from Oracle, JRE and typical JDK tools to monitor and other features).
My idea was to analyze some feature of the last version of Eclipse IDE. Actually I develop with ECLIPSE neon III and OpenJDK 8.
I downloaded Eclipse Oxygen installer. I started the installer. In this case the idea behind the installer is a packages selector. Helpful? I don't now, I prefer zip archive (vintage lover? maybe!!)
The first installation is gone down.. Pay attention,. try to update installer before. The upgrade of installer fixes repositories references.
The second attempt wag good.
I launched eclipse and the result was ugly... NoClassFoundException ... I thoungth about new modules loader of java 9.
I found a nice article from eclipse foundation and the resolution of problem:
- add to eclipse.ini the parameter --add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM
Finally, Eclipse IDE was opened in front of my eyes.
My evening was eneded with this error:
"Target is not a JDK root. System library was not found"
Eclipse Oxygen doesn't support the JDK 9 installation for "JRE Enviromnets".
I'll search a solution to fix this.
In the past, I used NetBeans IDE to try the new features of JDK 8 for the same situtation. Eclipse didn't support the new java consutrct for lambda expression.
By allZ folks
EDIT, Floks follow this guide to start your Java9 training using Eclipse Oxygen.
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